Zechariah 2:10
"Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you," declares the LORD.


A scream, shout, holler, vociferation, or yell is a loud vocalization in which air is passed through the vocal cords with greater force than is used in regular or close-distance vocalization. Though technically this process can be performed by any creature possessing lungs, the preceding terms are usually applied specifically to human vocalization.

Reasons for shouting vary, and it may be done deliberately or simply as a reaction. The core motive, in essentially all situations, is communication.

from one of my favorite websites http://www.wikipedia.com/

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sloooooow down...me? I want to write tonight about what God has been doing in my life. Things I never would have noticed had I not QUIT everything. Yes, I quit. Quit signing up for everything. Quit yelling. Quit rushing from here to there and hither and non. (I always wanted to use the last two.) Quit every group, study and class. I QUIT. And was still and tried to be quiet LOL and listen to God. And I learned that I was not being real. I was a big fake. I was not putting Him first. It was all about me and what I could do. I didn't know who I was anymore. Wife? Mother? Teacher? Friend? Mentor? Farmer? Business Manager? When was I supposed to get all of this done? I hate rushing. I hate chaos. My life had no direction and I was out of control.

After a much needed conversation with my beloved Aunt K, I realized that it was not my "do" but my "who". I knew that some people in my life would be hurt and disappointed with my decisions. I knew that I would face indecision and discouragement as I tried to quit. I needed to make a clean break. And for the first time realized I had never once asked God what He wanted me to do! And, I have no answer yet other than to QUIT and be still. Maybe He told me to be quiet. So, I seek Him and wait. And quitting wasn't all that bad.